Mark Zuckerberg announce COVID-19 Global Hackathon

A lot of engineers at Facebook and at companies and universities around the world are asking how they can get more involved in the fight against COVID-19. So in addition to all of our other efforts (providing high quality information, fighting misinformation, helping small businesses recover, keeping important communication services running smoothly, donating masks and PPE, and more), we’ve also been working on ways for everyone else around our company and around the world to get involved as well.

We’re joining with health organizations and companies across the tech industry to participate in the #BuildForCOVID19 global hackathon starting this Thursday, March 26th. The World Health Organization, scientists from the Chan Zuckerberg Biohub and experts from other industries will provide guidance on what projects will be most valuable for engineers to take on, and our engineers will be joined by teams from Slack, Pinterest, TikTok, Twitter, WeChat, Giphy, Slow Ventures and more to build tools to help tackle some of the health, economic and community challenges coming from the outbreak.

Hackathons have always been an important part of how we come up with new ideas and projects at Facebook — features like Blood Donations and Crisis Response were first built during hackathons and are now used by millions of people worldwide. I’m hopeful that some useful prototypes and ideas will come out of this one as well.

BuildForCOVID19 is open to anyone who wants to participate, and I encourage all of you who can to join. You can find more details here: